Go Red for Women
2016 Akron Go Red for Women Luncheon
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Todaro's Party Center

1820 Akron Peninsula Road
Akron, OH  44313

Doors opened at 11:00am for our Movers and Shakers! for networking, demonstrations, activities, visiting our 20+ vendor tables

Program and luncheon began at 12:00pm

Emcee - Betsy Kling

Inspirational & Motivational Speaker, Holly Hoffman

"Never Give Up - The Survivor Way"   

Survivor Shelley Zimmerman

Open Your Heart special appeal

Heart Healthy Lunch


2016 Akron Go Red For Women Luncheon - Event Guide

  Event Overview:

DATE:   Tuesday, May, 10th

TIME: 11:00am -1:00pm

LOCATION: Todaro’s Party Center, 1820 Akron Peninsula Road Akron, Ohio 44313

Valet Parking Available


11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.:

  • Zumba Demonstration - Joined American Heart Association’s Lisa Wheeler-Cooper for some heart healthy Zumba Action!
  • Took part in a fun Hula Hoop demonstration with Jen Scourfield of Shine Life Studios!
  • Visited Macy’s Fashion Exhibit         
  • Received make-up touchups by Macy’s
  • Visited our exhibit tables for a chance to win a door prize
  • Received Go Red giveaways including a gift card from Macy’s!
  • A delicious Heart Healthy Lunch

Networked, mingled in the company of 350 Go Red supporters.

Luncheon and program started promptly at 12 noon.

The program included an Open Your Heart Appeal, an opportunity to make a contribution, which is 100% tax deductible, to support our continued efforts to fight cardiovascular disease and stroke.

