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Open Your Heart

You've heard Jennie Garth's story. Now take a moment to read the inspiring stories below. Real women with real stories speak up about their heart to help save lives. Their stories will inspire you to get informed with the facts and make a positive commitment to your heart health.

Jenna chose to change her lifestyle when, at just 23 years old, she was told she was at risk for sudden cardiac death. She Goes Red for what is yet to come. Gail chose to LIVE after her daughter begged her to change the lifestyle that was destroying her heart. She Goes Red for her father and the other people who have died of heart disease in her family. Andrea was 35 and pregnant and didn't realize she was having a heart attack until it was too late for her baby... and almost too late for her. She Goes Red for all the women out there that live with heart disease.

We Need Your Support

These real life Go Red For Women stories highlight not only these women's courageous battle against heart disease, but the role your contributions play in making their healthier lives possible. The American Heart Association uses all revenues from
Go Red For Women to support awareness, research, education and community programs to fight the No.1 killer of women. We ask for your support as we continue to look for new ways to keep you heart-healthy and strong!

Every day stories like those of Jenna, Gail and Andrea are made possible by the research and education provided by the American Heart Association. Heart disease is the #1 killer of women and more women die of cardiovascular disease than the next five causes of death combined. But with your help, all this can be largely preventable.

Open Your Heart for a healthy future

Open Your Heart is an opportunity in the Go Red for Women luncheon where you can speak up by making a lifesaving donation. Chances are you know a woman, man or child who has suffered from heart disease. Your donation honors these survivors, but also those who did not. Make a difference with a donation to fund the programs and research that will make a healthy future for women a reality. Together we can conquer heart disease. Contact your local Go Red for Women luncheon director. Or click the button. Or attend your Luncheon, and give as your heart speaks to you.


Andrea's Story
"We need each other's support"


Rolanda's Story
"That's when I said, 'No way!'"


Maria's Story
"This was the way it was going to be."


Jenna's Story
"Listen to your body."


Gail's Story
"I'm up for this fight."


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Macys sponsors Go RedMerck sponsors Go Red

 locally sponsored by








White Hat Management

Cambridge Home Health Care

Kenneth L. Calhoun 
Charitable Trust,
Key Bank, Trustee